Tuesday 10 April 2012

Finally All Smiles after Hearing!

Lindsay Lohan, one of my favorite celebrities smiles after Final probation meeting. I am a great fan of her and I believe she is a great star.  Winner of multiple awards, “Rumor” was one of my favorite songs. She is a great singer, actor and model.
Keeping my focus on the above news i.e. “Lindsay Lohan smiles after her Final Probation Meeting”, I will like to tell you that everything was just fine till 2007. After which she was charged with two Driving Under Influence incidents and three visits to rehabilitation facilities. This change of event disrupted her smooth career and she has to face law for that matter and made her unable to sign more films.
The situation became more serious when in May, 2010 when she didn’t appear for a scheduled DUI progress and the judge issued her a bench warrant for her arrest.  But the warrant was cancelled by her representatives and posted bail.  It was later on explained by her lawyer that Lohan lost her passport when she attended the Cannes Film Festival in France. The hearing was rescheduled on May 24, 2010 and she was ordered to attend weekly educational classes on alcohol, refrain from drinking alcohol, wear alcohol monitoring bracelet and undergo random alcohol testing to remain free on bail.
It was in 2010 (June) when Lindsay Lohan appeared in Double Exposure on Bravo television series. Not only had that she given an interview to The Sydney Morning Herald that indicated that Lindsay Lohan is still young and is in a process of learning and that doesn’t mean that what they said is true. It’s just that she is getting messed up and I am constantly trying hard to partying or whatever.
Lindsay Lohan was sentenced to 90 days in jail on July 6 on the grounds that she had violated the terms of her probation by the judge on probation revocation hearing. Additionally, she was ordered to check into an inpatient rehabilitation program after her release till three months. It was on July 20 when Lohan was taken into custody to begin her term in jail after she appeared in the court and released on August 2 after staying for fourteen days at jail. Te reason behind this short stay was the policy of early release of non-violent criminals to control jail from being overcrowded. After which she was taken to rehab facility for 90 days. However she was released after 23 days only as her lawyers stated that “the treating doctors at UCLA felt she had done everything required of her there.” After which she continued outpatient therapy and was able to resume her work. The judge further asked her to go for mandatory random drug and alcohol testing and to attend behavioral and psychotherapy twice a week and five 12-step sessions a week.  She was further warned by the judge that failure to work according to the advice of judge will result in 30 days sentence in jail. After which she was advised to stay in Los Angeles till November 1.
In August and September no 2009, Lohan played a role of a spoiled daughter of a rich businessman where she appeared as taking drugs and being naked most of the time in a movie called “Machete”. Her role was criticized by many but was appreciated by Eric D. Snider. She could not appear in its promotion and premier due to her engagements at rehabilitation centre.
Lohan’s probation was revoked on September 24, 2010 due to failed drug test and was released on bail. She spent three months at Betty Ford Centre for drug and alcohol treatment till January 2011.  She was charged with the theft of a necklace in February 2011, sentenced to jail for 120 days, 360 hours at Downtown Women’s’ centre for community service and 120 hours at Los Angeles. She failed drug test again on May 26 and June 29 and was not given any additional punishment.
Judge Sautner sent her to jail and set bail at $100,000 on October 19, 2011. She was briefed that if she wants to avoid further punishment she should complete her community service hours till next hearing and was again sent to jail on November 2, sent to jail for 30 days and 400 hours of community service. She spent less than five hours in jail on November 7 due to overcrowding.
Later, it was confirmed that Lohan is free now since she did well at last probation. Finally there was smiles on everybody’s face after hearing.